Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Fights can suck it.

I don't even know what happened in this one.  One minute we're talking on the phone on his way home from school and the next he won't speak to me and I end up sleeping on the couch. 

He's at work now and I still haven't heard from him.  He always texts me by now. 

I'm not sure what happened.  And I'm not going to be the grown up in this one. I always am.  I'm not gonna talk to him first.  I'll let him figure out whatever it is that made him mad and then come talk to me.

Being married is hard.

I'll just have my coffee and hope things get better.

1 comment:

  1. BH was once a pouter, and I am prone to guilt trips. Bad combination. Early in our marriage, I lost it and went off on him. I told him I was NOT going to live like that, tiptoeing around his moods. "If you've got a problem, solve it! If there's something I can do, I'm listening. Otherwise, get over it. DO NOT take it out on me." Some time later I overheard him telling his mother (proudly) that I wouldn't let him sulk or wallow in his misery.
    Tell your sweetie to man up; this is a marriage, not a power struggle.
